Friday 10 May 2013

It was a successful trip to St Helena Island even though we were rained on and we missed seeing part of the island.  Thank you to all students who were on their best behaviour, no one needed to be left behind to complete sentences on the island prison.  The warder and his prisoners were great!  Much was learned and a good day was had by all!!


Wednesday 8 May 2013


Below is a copy of the excursion note for Friday. It includes a list of items students need to bring as well as the times for the day. 

It is important students are in the undercover area at school by 8:10am (at the latest) as we need to finalise things for the day and it is crucial the bus leaves at 8:30 sharp. 

Thank your for your assistance in this.

Warm Regards
Mrs Dalton

Saint Helena Island Excursion Note